DG and Explosives Licences
In Western Australia, a DG licence is required when a site proposes to store and handle large quantities of dangerous goods, or any amount of explosives or security risk substances.
Engtech prepare and submit dangerous goods licence applications for all classes of dangerous goods, explosives and security risk substances (SRS).
As accredited consultants, licence applications prepared by Engtech progress through the Department of Energy, Mines, Industry Regulation and Safety (DEMIRS) in about 20 working days, while applications submitted by a non-accredited entity may take several months.
Clients are continually engaged throughout the licence application process to ensure they understand how the DG Regulations and approved Codes of Practice (Australian Standards) apply to their site, what their compliance obligations are, and when their licence is likely to be issued.

Contact Us
Phone: 0435 723 472
Email: steve@engtech.com.au
Location: Floreat, WA